Italian Fine Cuisine with Live Music!

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09mar5:30 pm8:30 pmMiles Thomas @ cafe aromaLive music tonight at Aroma!!

13mar5:30 pm8:30 pmidyll hands@ cafe aromaLive music tonight at Aroma from Steve Desterhaft, Eric Lingren and Chris Scott!!

16mar5:30 pm8:30 pmAdam James Glover@ cafe aromaCroon & Swoon tonight at Aroma!!

20mar5:30 pm8:30 pmKaitlin & Makai @ cafe aromaLive music from this talented young duo!!

23mar5:30 pm8:30 pmPaul Carman & Sarah Kay@ cafe aromaWhere Jazz meets Folk tonight at Aroma!!

27mar6:00 pm9:00 pmadam James Glover@ cafe aromaCroon and swoon over Dam Glover tonight at Aroma!!

30mar5:30 pm8:30 pmVincent’s  Choice@ cafe aromaLive music tonight at Aroma!!

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