About Idy-PC

This website is offered as a free public service for the Idyllwild-Pine Cove community, to promote what we do so well. The Calendar of Events is posted by the individual performers, sponsors, and website staff.  The Repair Guide is offered to advertise for free anyone whose work entails real property construction, repairs or maintenance services, from contractor to handyman. The Dining Guide is a free advertisement for any storefront business that sells food, from stores to fine dining. The information is intended to help local residents, as well as promote local prosperity.

We just added a Kids’ Events category to the Calendar.  An Artists’ Directory is nearly completed, where any artist in the Idyllwild-Pine Cove community will be able to advertise their work complete with links to their website or social media page, for free.  A job board will follow, to help efficiently match the people to the chores needed.  After that, housing information.

Your suggestions of other features and feedback are greatly appreciated.  Also, if you are having any difficulty with posting on the website, please contact us get get help. The instructions for the various calendar posting types are listed below.

A rising tide lifts all boats.  If you would like to sponsor, help promote this site, or contribute your talents,  please contact us.  We are all on the same team.

Ken Carlson


Jen Kirschner, Photographer    

Nikki Shamdasani, General Assistant 

Sciqi, Webmaster

Ken Carlson, Manager and Sponsor


Nikki Shamdasani



Click on the applicable download for instructions to post on the Calendar:


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